
What is Soft Play?
A very interesting fact that we both faced when we first mentioned to our relatives and some friends that we were launching our very own business of Soft Play and Ball Pits hire for kids, was that not many people were related to the term ‘Soft- Play’. Actually, we have to confess that we didn’t know about this topic until we became parents and realised that babies are so vulnerable but also very eager to explore whenever and wherever they

7 dangerous illnesses and viruses that compromise your baby’s immune system
Did you know that the immune system of kids aged between 0-5 is more compromised than older kids? This means that unfortunately, they are very likely to get any of the following and most common illnesses during their first 5 years of life: Gastroenteritis Influenza Hand- Foot- Mouth Disease Common Cold RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) Conjunctivitis COVID-19 It’s well known that babies and toddlers have a tendency to touch everything with their hands and then take them to their mouths,